Onus (Domestic Abuse and Violence) ‘Safe Place’ Daytime Webinar

What is SafePlace?

It is estimated that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men will experience domestic abuse during their lifetime. Between April 2021 and March 2022 there were 33,186 domestic incidents and 21,723 domestic crimes recorded in Northern Ireland. We should also not forget the effect of this on children also living in domestic abusive environments.

Safe Place is a simple but very effective initiative that allows any church, business, organisation, school or community group to provide information and signposting to anyone affected by domestic and sexual abuse.

The Safe Place initiative does not involve providing direct support services to anyone living with domestic abuse, instead aims to raise awareness and build capacity to ensure anyone affected by domestic abuse is directed to support services.

Your Church can become a ‘Safe Place’

To become a Safe Place, churches need to attend a Safe Place Webinar and complete a simple registration form. They are then supplied with a range of ‘Safe Place’ resources and ongoing support from Onus.

What will the Webinar cover?

  • What is a Safe Place?
  • What would I have to do as a Safe Place?
  • What are the different types of abuse?
  • Who is affected by domestic abuse?
  • How do Safe Places make a difference?
  • What is the Safe Church Pathway?

How long does the Webinar Last and how is it delivered?

90 minutes via zoom – LUNCHTIME SESSION (12:30 – 1:30pm)

How to register

If your Parish are interested in this initiative ideally you would need to a minimum of two people attending the Webinar.


Onus (Domestic Abuse and Violence) ‘Safe Place’ Evening Webinar

What is SafePlace?

It is estimated that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men will experience domestic abuse during their lifetime. Between April 2021 and March 2022 there were 33,186 domestic incidents and 21,723 domestic crimes recorded in Northern Ireland. We should also not forget the effect of this on children also living in domestic abusive environments.

Safe Place is a simple but very effective initiative that allows any church, business, organisation, school or community group to provide information and signposting to anyone affected by domestic and sexual abuse.

The Safe Place initiative does not involve providing direct support services to anyone living with domestic abuse, instead aims to raise awareness and build capacity to ensure anyone affected by domestic abuse is directed to support services.

Your Church can become a ‘Safe Place’

To become a Safe Place, churches need to attend a Safe Place Webinar and complete a simple registration form. They are then supplied with a range of ‘Safe Place’ resources and ongoing support from Onus.

What will the Webinar cover?

  • What is a Safe Place?
  • What would I have to do as a Safe Place?
  • What are the different types of abuse?
  • Who is affected by domestic abuse?
  • How do Safe Places make a difference?
  • What is the Safe Church Pathway?

How long does the Webinar Last and how is it delivered?

90 minutes via zoom – EVENING SESSION (18:30 – 19:30)

How to register

If your Parish are interested in this initiative ideally you would need to a minimum of two people attending the Webinar.


*FULLY BOOKED*Adult Safeguarding Training for Leaders – Session 2 of 2

This training is for clergy and volunteers who have regular and or direct contact with adults – coordinating/organising adult activities (e.g. SPRED Leaders, Luncheon Club Leaders, visitation team Leader, Leaders of Eucharistic Ministers).

The training will be delivered virtually on 15th and 16th May 24* starting at 6:30pm (total length 5 hrs – 2.5hrs per eve).

*Participants must be able to attend both dates.

The training will cover:

•            Legal and policy context
•            Values and principles
•            Key definitions
•            Categories of abuse and possible indicators
•            Procedures for reporting concerns
•            Code of behaviour
•            Planning and managing activities.
•            Risk management
•            Confidentiality issues
•            Creating a person – centred environment


*FULLY BOOKED*Adult Safeguarding Training for Leaders – Session 1 of 2

This training is for clergy and volunteers who have regular and or direct contact with adults – coordinating/organising adult activities (e.g. SPRED Leaders, Luncheon Club Leaders, visitation team Leader, Leaders of Eucharistic Ministers).

The training will be delivered virtually on 15th and 16th May 24* starting at 6:30pm (total length 5 hrs – 2.5hrs per eve).

*Participants must be able to attend both dates.

The training will cover:

•            Legal and policy context
•            Values and principles
•            Key definitions
•            Categories of abuse and possible indicators
•            Procedures for reporting concerns
•            Code of behaviour
•            Planning and managing activities.
•            Risk management
•            Confidentiality issues
•            Creating a person – centred environment


Onus (Domestic Abuse and Violence) ‘Safe Place’ Webinar

What is SafePlace?

It is estimated that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men will experience domestic abuse during their lifetime. Between April 2021 and March 2022 there were 33,186 domestic incidents and 21,723 domestic crimes recorded in Northern Ireland. We should also not forget the effect of this on children also living in domestic abusive environments.

Safe Place is a simple but very effective initiative that allows any church, business, organisation, school or community group to provide information and signposting to anyone affected by domestic and sexual abuse.

The Safe Place initiative does not involve providing direct support services to anyone living with domestic abuse, instead aims to raise awareness and build capacity to ensure anyone affected by domestic abuse is directed to support services.

Your Church can become a ‘Safe Place’

To become a Safe Place, churches need to attend a Safe Place Webinar and complete a simple registration form. They are then supplied with a range of ‘Safe Place’ resources and ongoing support from Onus.

What will the Webinar cover?

  • What is a Safe Place?
  • What would I have to do as a Safe Place?
  • What are the different types of abuse?
  • Who is affected by domestic abuse?
  • How do Safe Places make a difference?
  • What is the Safe Church Pathway?

How long does the Webinar Last and how is it delivered?

90 minutes via zoom – EVENING SESSION (18:30 – 19:30)

How to register

If your Parish are interested in this initiative ideally you would need to a minimum of two people attending the Webinar.