Adult Safeguarding Training for Leaders – Session 2 of 2

This training is for clergy and volunteers who have regular and or direct contact with adults – coordinating/organising adult activities (e.g. SPRED Leaders, Luncheon Club Leaders, visitation team Leader, Leaders of Eucharistic Ministers).

The training will be delivered virtually on 15th and 16th May 24* starting at 6:30pm (total length 5 hrs – 2.5hrs per eve).

*Participants must be able to attend both dates.

The training will cover:

•            Legal and policy context
•            Values and principles
•            Key definitions
•            Categories of abuse and possible indicators
•            Procedures for reporting concerns
•            Code of behaviour
•            Planning and managing activities.
•            Risk management
•            Confidentiality issues
•            Creating a person – centred environment


Adult Safeguarding Training for Leaders – Session 1 of 2

This training is for clergy and volunteers who have regular and or direct contact with adults – coordinating/organising adult activities (e.g. SPRED Leaders, Luncheon Club Leaders, visitation team Leader, Leaders of Eucharistic Ministers).

The training will be delivered virtually on 15th and 16th May 24* starting at 6:30pm (total length 5 hrs – 2.5hrs per eve).

*Participants must be able to attend both dates.

The training will cover:

•            Legal and policy context
•            Values and principles
•            Key definitions
•            Categories of abuse and possible indicators
•            Procedures for reporting concerns
•            Code of behaviour
•            Planning and managing activities.
•            Risk management
•            Confidentiality issues
•            Creating a person – centred environment