UPDATE JULY 2024 – National Board Revised Child Protection Policy and Standards

On the 11th June 2024 the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland issued the revised  safeguarding policy and standards

A Safe and Welcoming Church, Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland, 2024.”

This is a significant publication and replaces “Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016”, the seven standards policy with associated suites of guidance under each of the seven standards, which we all have become familiar with and which has underpinned safeguarding in our Diocese of Down and Connor and across every Dioceses , Religious Orders and ministries with children in the Catholic Church in Ireland.

The publication of this revised policy has been a significant piece of work and has been overseen by a Steering Group with representatives from a number of Dioceses and Religious Orders. The revised policy has been informed by a series of consultation and listening exercises involving dioceses and parishes across Ireland (including listening exercises and consultation within Down and Connor which a number of you were involved in ), groups of young people and engagement with victims and survivors. Statutory Agencies were also involved in this consultation.

I urge you to embrace this revised policy. The fundamental elements of safeguarding within the church do not change ; creating and maintaining safe environments where children and young people can nurtured in their faith, responding to suspicions, concerns, knowledge and allegations in line with legislation and communicating the safeguarding message,

Where there were seven standards with associated suites of guidance there are now three standards with suites of guidance:

The Policy statements Posters in all our Churches and Parish Centres will be changed and the Safeguarding Office will set up three Information Sessions on the revised Policy “A Safe and Welcoming Church, Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland, 2024,  two online and one face to face.


Philip O Hara


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